Amran Shriners in Raleigh North Carolina
Stated Meetings:
4th Wednesday of the Month
Social Hour 5:30-6:30
Dinner at 6:30 PM
Meeting at 7:00 PM
No meeting in June, July, November
Election of Officers on 2nd Wednesday in December


Granville County Shrine Club

Club meets on the 3rd Thursday in the months of January to October, in November the 3rd Thursday and December depending on Christmas Social.
Social begin at 6:00 p.m. Meal @7:00 p.m. and meeting following meal

Shrine Club Contact Information

706 Roxboro Road Oxford, NC 27565
PO Box 669, Oxford, NC 27565


Visit our Facebook Page for Events in our area

Granville Shrine Club in Oxford North Carolina
Granville County Shrine Club | Granville County Shrine Club Facebook
PresidentStephen T Owen
Vice PresidentRoland Bouvier
SecretaryThomas R Newman
TreasurerAl Woodlief