The International Legion of Honor Unit
Meeting last Monday of every month at 7pm at the AMRAN Temple

During the 1922, 48th Annual Session of the Imperial Council of the A.A.O.N.M.S. in San Franscisco, California, Imperial Potentate Ernest A. Cutts, of Allee Temple, announced the formation of Legion Of Honor units to include veterans of all conflicts since the Civil War.
The International Association Legion of Honor (IALOH) is made up of nearly 150 of these Legions of Honor units which can be found throught the United States of America, Canada, Mexico, the Republic of Panama, and Puerto Rico. With a total membership of about 9,000 men, the Association provides overall coordination of, and guidance for, the member units
Membership is comprised of members of the Armed Forces who are serving or have been honorably discharged. Volunteer, Draftee, Officer, or Enlisted, we are all proud to do whatever our countries need to keep them safe. This includes service in the Guard, Reserves, Merchant Marines and Coast Guard, as well as Active Military, Naval, Marine or Air Force.
Our Objectives are: "To foster a Spirit of Patriotism, Love of Country and Flag; to perpetuate the memory of our Comrades in Arms who made the Supreme Sacrifice by giving their lives for their country while members of the Armed Forces; To devote our efforts as individuals, and Legion of Honor Units to strive for an increase in Friendship and Cooperation between our Legion of Honor Units and other Units of Shriners International."
Our Legion Of Honor receved it's charter from the IALOH in May of 1977 and since then has had the distinct honor of having many of it's members selected as Commander of the South Atlantic Shrine Association (SASA). Our unit is proud to carry our Nation's colors and lead AMRAN in parades and other special functions. Our distinct uniforms and shard military heritage creates an environment of close camaraderie and good times. For more information on our unit visit the AMRAN website, LOH unit section or for more information on the IALOH visit
Our unit would like to welcome you as a new member. We meet the last Monday quarterly at 7pm at the Amran Temple. If you're interested please contact one of our Legion of Honor officers or you may ask a member of our Divan.
International Association Legions of Honor
43rd Annual Arlington Wreath Laying
November 1 - 5, 2023